Thursday, May 21, 2015

Adorable Happy Fun Easy Pure LOVELOVELOVE this week!

 Stella and I just had to hug in this moment.  We just had to.

we were excitedly "scrunching"....


oh my goodness.  that Stella face

 a sweet mama, Katie, helped little Leela see herself in our magic mirror.  

Now, Florie's turn:)  "I am me for all to see..."

Little Nick, Luciana, and Beta are being "turtles"  

don't know what this was!  haha!

"Everybody DANCE!"

Dance solos!  Go Alden! Go Olympia!

 the Baby Dance!!  yes, this moment was real!  

Monday, May 18, 2015

Why i LOVE my work!!!

 Sweet Lloyd's Birthday Party!! 

 Leading a music class with my preschoolers at the Cooperative Nursery School and the residents at Stapely Nursing Home.  Pure.

it's because of YOU!

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

mushy stuff

I just wanted to share that i LOVE sharing music with you and i LOVE sharing the moment with you.  Music makes our hearts bigger!  I am so grateful to see you smile and see you be YOU.  We are in this together!
