You all! THIS.Is.My.View.Every.Time. I look at this and I literally FEEL like I'm in this moment again with you guys. I feel so thankful for this picture and all the others that follow. Thank you, Mama and Photographer Jonene Nelson!!!! You hit it outta the park :) ya got our guts out. Thank you.

This gorgeous family did NOT plan their outfits today. How cute are these kids and these grown ups? ahhhh!!!! They are a magazine cover.

Matteo and Jennifer!! Such an awesome nanny and you can tell how much she loves this little guy!!! Jon Nelson...these pics, you.

Ella and I sometimes, (always), absolutely love to be around each other. We can't contain it!

Starting class with breath. Settling into the moment.

I luv when the grown ups smile :)))


Hayley and Tucker. omg.

Gram and Lucy. no words. I can't.

Robyn is back at Music Class with her 2 little girls! how lucky are they???!! Robyn, you're so strong. grrrrrrrr.


luvLUVluvLUV. I luv this mama, Alison, and I love her entire family. xoxo

haha! Check out Miles' legs behind Samantha's back. so funny!! This nanny gives her whole heart and soul....and arm muscles, as she takes care of these babes. Lucky lucky kids!!!

super lovable family :) They all just moved to the area and they have a whole music community they've now stepped into! I'm so happy they are in the gang!!

you guys..!!! Can I tell you how much I love to see everyone hold their babies up in the air while we sing??!!! It makes me SOOOoooo happy!! I wrote that song- just for THAT :))

I love cheering you beautiful souls on!!! It's not only about the music- it's about getting to finally be silly and play and soak in the moment together. We use music to get there. I love music. I love our community. I love getting to spend my time with you and your children. It's just the beginning! Let's always hold each other up. Let's always shine the highest respect upon this job of caretaker. Let's always create a safe loving space for us all. see you at class!!
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